About us


Hello! I am a mother of four beautiful children living in California. There’s nothing more extraordinary than how I started making skin-care products.

Before starting my company, I had always searched for natural and non-toxic skincare alternatives for my family. I have always been a hard-worker, and I take things very seriously, never leave things half done, and do not give up easily. Because of my strong-willed and ambitious character, I feel that every product I make can always be improved.

When I first started, I thought about the dilemma that many people faced. Most skincare products were generally full of chemicals and weren't very effective, and the ones that were would still most likely contain many harmful chemical ingredients. I was determined to solve this problem, and utilized my knowledge of Asian holistic beauty and skincare to craft my own natural skincare products that I eventually nurtured into a brand. I hope that one day my brand can achieve the level of success that mainstream brands have achieved.

My products bring the best of both worlds. They are natural, non-toxic, efficient, and effective. I always aim to create them such that they can be used by people of different ethnicities and skin types.

There are many natural skin care products on the market with simple formulas that can easily be replicated and improved. There is simply nothing special about a product with generic ingredients and formulas. Many customers nowadays are asking and looking for more than just the same.

Now more than ever, people are seeking truly effective products, regardless of the price. These health-conscious people are willing to spend over $100 on a name-brand face cream because it is the best available to them. Often, these face creams are over-priced, and their power comes solely from the name on the packaging. Not only do they charge customers absurd amounts for something generic, but they also contain toxic, unnatural chemicals. Some customers are finally fed up with this ordeal, and are demanding just what my company makes -- non-toxic and highly effective products.

I have to admit that I was among those who were blinded by pretty packaging, labels, and brands. I often also had the misconception of natural products somehow being ineffective because I believed in the heavily marketed mainstream skincare products. But now, I care about the ingredients in the product, not the pretty packaging or the name on the packaging. And at the same time, I want products that work and make me feel beautiful!

My customers in the U.S. are often familiar with Asian beauty and skin care products. From Chinese medicine-inspired regiments to Japanese and Korean skin care, I am deeply inspired by my own Chinese roots and am very lucky to be able to find wonderful beauty ingredients in the U.S. They are natural and a mixture of Chinese and Western cultures. When I look deeper into each individual ingredient, I am like a child in a candy shop, eyes wide open in wonder. I am constantly formulating and creating new products that bring the best from both unique cultures.

My formulas are unique, non-toxic, and carefully handcrafted in small batches to ensure the best quality and freshness in each product. My products provide maximum results without harsh and harmful ingredients.



我是四個小孩的母親, 我的品牌故事沒甚麼特別. 跟很多做天然產品的創辦人一樣, 當初也是為了家人的皮膚問題, 和想減少使用有毒產品而開始自己動手造. 造了當然發覺好用, 所以就這樣創造了自己的品牌了. 沒甚麼驚心動魄, 偉大感人的故事可以分享. 一向做事認真, 不肯低頭的我, 總覺得自己可以做得更好. 人做我做, 我覺得天然產品, 質量效果是可以造到跟大品牌一樣的! 不應該因為是人手製造, 就要去compromise質量效果. 又或者, 不應該因為要無毒自然, 就要放棄 "有效用" 這三個字. 其實, 天然無毒保養護膚品, 絕對是可以高效的! 市場上有很多天然保養品, 材料其實簡單得很, 你和我, 其實都可以自己造到, 沒有甚麼特別的. 當然, 簡單也有簡單的好. 但是其實有很多愛美的客人, 一直用的都是幾百美元一瓶的潤膚霜, 但是往往這些高價產品用的材料都不是太自然, 甚至有毒的. 這些客人對護膚品有一定的要求, 她們其實都想要自然無毒, 但又要成份好, 效用高的產品. 而我自己過往的想法也跟她們一樣, 自然無毒當然好, 但愛美的我始終覺得用了令皮膚變好變年輕才是最重要!

在美國的客人, 其實對於亞洲的美容和護膚品都非常接受和喜歡. 中藥漢方, 漢式美妝, 日式護膚....一直都有它們的市場. 我也非常幸運, 可以在美國搜羅到很多最新的護膚材料. 有機的, Wildcrafted 的, 歐洲大廠最新推出的...中西合璧, 甚麼毒蛇Peptide, 蹦大碗, 甘草, 五味子, 鑽石, 黃金, 現在連殞石材料也有! 我就好像小孩子在糖果店一樣, 眼界開了, 就不斷地創造和調配出一些集合西方科技和漢方/亞洲理念的護膚保養品, 我的品牌理念就這樣定位了.

我的配方獨特高效, 而且全部人手小量製造, small batch保證產品新鮮. 我會把產品含的所有材料的INCI(International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient)<國際化妝品原料> 都一一例出來. 保持產品透明度, 讓客人清楚放心. 而且在美國, 這是很基本的操守. 對自己所售賣的產品和客人抱有責任感是非常重要的.

希望香港的朋友也能分享我在美國加州陽光之下, 每天新鮮手造的天然高效護膚保養品!

